The mini skid steer, a versatile machine, can be used in a wide variety of applications. With the addition of mini skid steer attachments, the machine's uses increase greatly. If you are looking to expand your heavy machinery line up, then buying a used one can be a very valuable tool to consider. Consider the actual attachments that you will need to have before you start buying them all. There are a wide range of attachments and you will certainly not need all of them in your business.
This type of equipment that you choose should be of the right size for the widest variety of your applications so that it will pay for itself in virtually no time at all. There are many different name brands of this machine, including the RC 30 mini skid steer, the Boxer mini skid steer, the Ditch Witch minis skid steer and options from both Bobcat and the Toro Dingo. In addition to these, there is a mini skid steer loader to consider as well. Attachments can be bought for all of these types of mini skid steers as well.
Because it is so maneuverable, this type of equipment can be preferred in tighter quarters over the larger excavators that might have problems getting in and out without causing damage. It is capable of the zero radius turns and can push, carry or load, depending on which attachment you are using and what needs it is fulfilling. It can be fitted with tracks when they are needed because of the terrain the machine will be used in, but the most common application is a four wheeled version. When it has wheels, the right and left side turn independently of each other which allows for the precision turning that makes it so much more agile than the tracked machines. Because it is smaller and lower to the ground, this type of equipment might be preferable in applications in residential areas or when working underneath structures that would prevent the larger excavator from getting to the job site.
Introduced in the late 1950's, this type of machine has seen a number of improvements both in its use and its safety over the years. An enclosed cabin can protect the operator from the pivot arms- these are located right next to the driver which caused many accidents and concerns about the machines general safety. Even with safety improvements, great care should be used with this and every other piece of heavy machinery. Every machine should be checked for faulty parts before and after each use so that maintenance can be done as needed.
The mini skid steer can use attachments which range from: the tracks, angle brooms, sweeper, pallet forks, auger, snow blower, mower, tree spade, trencher, ripper tiller, cement mixer, snow blade, dumping hopper, stump grinder, wheel saw, and the wood chipper machine.